Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Breanna Gets Spiritual

I was putting Breanna and Brant to bed tonight and we were going through our normal routine. PJ's, potty, brush teeth, book, pray, count, snack and drink, song, and finally sleep...hopefully. If it sounds like a long process to you, that's because it is.

Anyway, at some point during this process Breanna asked, "Are we moving to a new house because Jesus told us to?" So I explained that the answer was basically yes, since I believe it was God that directed me to the new job, or them to me, however you want to look at it.

This led to an in-depth conversation about how God speaks to us. "But I don't hear God talk to me," Breanna said. I answered that God speaks to us in our hearts instead of our ears and tried to give her some examples. Not sure how successful I was, but I think she got the idea.

I still remember a conversation I had with my Dad about that same subject. I don't remember how old I was, but I remember asking the question, "Dad, how do you know God is speaking to you?" I don't remember the answer (sorry Dad), but whatever he said must have been good enough to satisfy me.

Those are humbling moments for me. Theology is kind of "my thing" and I'm about a month away from teaching this stuff to college students and yet I basically have no idea how to explain it in a way a 4 year old can understand. It brings to mind something one of my seminary professors used to say a lot, "If you can't explain something very simply, you're not educated enough." I guess I'm educated enough to teach adults and college students, just not quite educated enough to teach a 4 year old. Maybe some day when I get a Ph.D I'll know enough to answer her questions in a way she can understand!

I'm always amazed at the things Breanna thinks to ask, and every time she does it makes me feel for my parents who had to endure my endless questions. I can't wait to see what kinds of things Brant will think to ask. My only saving grace is that it'll be a couple more years before I have to field questions from him.

1 comment:

Linda said...

She is her daddy's daughter! You were the king of endless questions. I remember having a bookmark in my Bible - The ABC's of Parenting. You nudged me in church one morning and pointed to the "N". "Never ignore their endless questions." But asking questions is part of the quest for learning. Not having all the answers is indeed humbling but it allows us to learn together with our children. Priceless!

Our Family

Breanna: Our Princess

Brant: Our Entertainer