Sunday, January 25, 2009

First Day of "School"

For a couple weeks we've been talking up Brant's first day of "school" - preschool that is. Every time we talk about it he asks, "Nanna go with me?" and "I ride bus?" We talked about meeting new friends, eating snacks, and playing with new toys.

Last Thursday was his first day and the excitement was too much for him to handle. We actually got dressed and ready to go early and when I suggested we sit down for a movie to help pass the time. He would have nothing to do with...we had to "go bye bye NOW!"

As we opened the doors to the preschool, he couldn't get there fast enough. As he took his first step into the classroom there was slight hesitation, but his friend Caleb grabbed his hand and off they went.
He had a good report on his first day, only a little teary before and after nap time. He played outside, ate snacks, and made new friends. Breanna and I were able to have a great girls day out full of shopping and eating at McDonald's. It was a great day!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


After a week at Grammy's to help get him past his fear of the toilet and several weeks in pull ups, we took a chance and put big boy underwear on Brant yesterday. By early afternoon he had one success and one "learning experience." When you do not sit on the potty, your legs get wet.

At the end of the day the overall success was not terrible. Better than I thought it would go, not as good as I'd hoped. I've heard some talk about how their children just brought them underwear and said they didn't want to wear diapers any more. nice that would be. But my children would never think of doing things the easy way!

We woke up this morning and as I slowly put his underwear on him, I thought, "Do I really want to do this. It's so much easier to just change a diaper." I followed through and to much surprise he stayed dry all morning! We even put pants on today! Dare I say it...Could it be this easy? I'm so proud of him!

Make-up Mess

I realized that I had not seen Brant for awhile so I went on a search for him. Only to find him putting make-up on. The next Mary Kay consultant!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Breanna Runs Away From Home

So last night we got home from church and were rushing to get the kids into bed. Brant is being a good little guy and doing what he should – going potty. I kept yelling at Breanna to come upstairs and get her PJs on, but she wasn’t coming. So finally Lynette gets my attention and tells me what Breanna was doing. She had gotten into the closet and pulled out her pink suitcase and was standing in the doorway of our front door, which was open. Breanna said, “I’m going to leave.” Lynette told her that we really would prefer that she stay with us rather than moving out of the house so late at night. (Not that I’m opposed to her moving out, I just hate for her to move out so late and in the dark.) When Lynette asked her where she was going to stay, she said, “With the bugs.” She insisted that she was going to leave, so I said, “Okay, love you. See you later. Make sure you close the door behind you when you leave.” Breanna paused and said, “I’m going to leave for real.” I assured her that was fine with me. Of course, Lynette scolded me and told me to get downstairs and get her to come inside. I met her in the doorway and as she turned to head out toward the street, she stopped, turned around and said, “Daddy, do you want to come with me?” I said that Brant, Mommy and Daddy would prefer to sleep in their own beds tonight rather than out with the bugs. She lowered her head, grabbed her suitcase and walked out onto the porch. I closed the door behind her and watched from inside, curious as to what she would do. She walked over and just sat down on the ledge to the dining room window...and just sat there. She sat for about 30 seconds then came and rung the doorbell. I threw open the door and asked if she wanted to move back home. She said, “I will if you really want me to.” So her mother and I welcomed her back with open arms and celebrated her glorious homecoming. Our little prodigal had come home.

Our Family

Breanna: Our Princess

Brant: Our Entertainer